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Untersuchen von Zahlensätzen - One atta Time

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Mit dem Zahlensatz finden Sie die mean (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth), median, mode and range.mean (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth), median, mode and range.mean (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth), median, mode and range.mean (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth), median, mode and range.mean (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth), median, mode and range.mean (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth), median, mode and range.mean (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth), median, mode and range.mean (rounded to the nearest tenth) (rounded to the nearest tenth), median, mode and range.mean (rounded to the nearest tenth), median, mode and range.
48 , 48 , 34 , 33 , 51 , 36
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